Add Jobs

By listing your job opening, you provide interested candidates with the opportunity to explore the position and apply accordingly. This process facilitates a seamless connection between employers and potential candidates.

Add a Job

  1. Click the “+Add Job” text link on the jobs page.
  2. Fill out all of the required fields for the position.
  3. Click the “Save as Draft” button to save the job for publishing later.
  4. Click the “Publish” button to publish the job.

Pull From a Past Job

  1. Click the “+Add Job” text link on the jobs page.
  2. Click the “Pull From Past Job” button.
  3. Modify the content and complete the required fields for the position.
  4. Click the “Save as Draft” button to save the job for publishing later.
  5. Click the “Publish” button to publish the job.

Create a Split Position

  1. Click the “+Add Job” text link on the jobs page.
  2. Click the “Create Split Position” text link.
  3. Modify the content and complete the required fields for the position.
  4. Click the “Save as Draft” button to save the job for publishing later.
  5. Click the “Publish” button to publish the job.

Promote Your Job

  1. Click the “Job Details” button next to the job you would like to promote.
  2. Click on the “Public URL” button to copy the link to your job post with a public link.
    • You can now use this link to promote your job to candidates!